Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentines Day!

We had our first Valentines Day as a married couple and it was great! We decided to save on money that we  would cook at home and not do gifts. As a surprise though Sam made letters for our baby's room. "B" for Burton if we have a boy and "A" for Aurora if we have a girl. He was so impressed by them that he couldn't wait so had me open them the night before.
Then, in the morning I made us donuts from scratch. The turned out good, but Sam's plate of donuts ended up a little doughy....(Sam says I'm spelling donuts wrong, but too bad).  I also realized that making donuts from scratch are a lot of work, so next time I think I will just use the can biscuits dough, it's way easier. Sam's was the plate on the right. Oh and we did not eat all of these donuts, we're not that fat, yet...
Then for dinner I made a wonderful meal! It was so good! I cooked us lobster tails, stake, and broccoli. However, the lobster tails were super gross to cook, because they have little legs underneath the tail, which in a restaurant I was never aware of. Sam had never tried lobster before and....he thought it was really good, but he said stake is better. This meal made me one happy pregnant lady. Also, I don't have a picture because we were so hungry we finished the meal by the time I remembered to take a picture. 

To add to our dinner I made a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting! Although we were to full to eat it.
While making the cake though I ran out of frosting. So I hurried to run to the store and on my way to the car,   I walked past a man in our apartment and after I passed him he made a noise at me. To give you some background this man always glares at us when we walk by and just looks creepy, but kinda angry. Anyways,   I turned around and realized he was deaf. He was doing some type of motion to his head and pointing to me. I did not understand him and felt bad so I pretended like I did and we both laughed and I left for the store. Then when, I was paying for the frosting at the store, the cashier ask if  I was baking and I told her yes. She pointed to my hair and said it looks like you were having fun. I realized when I go back to my car, I had frosting in my hair and that is what the deaf man was trying to tell me haha it was pretty funny.

Well, that's the end of our awesome Valentines Day hope everyone had a good one!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lets Back Track! : The Story of Us

I decided to join the club and start a blog. We'll see how long it last! So let me catch you up on what has been going on. First, how did this whole Sam and me thing happen...

Samuel and I have know each other since we were fifteen. We meet at our early religion class "Seminary" in high school. We became friends and then when we were sixteen we started dating. I was in love with this boy and he liked me haha. After dating for nine months, we got asked to be on the Seminary council in which we couldn't date anyone on the council or steady date someone, so we accepted and broke up.

Sam would say I hated him for a long time after that, but I didn't, I was just a love sick girl. Anyways, we both moved on and remained friends. Both of us went to separated colleges, him The University of Arizona and I Arizona State University (that's right extreme rivals). He and I dated other people and then when Sam was nineteen he went to serve a mission for The Church Of  Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Scotland and Ireland for two years. While he was gone, I furthered my education and continued to date. Then, about seven months before he came home I had some unexpected changes happen. Then towards the end of January of last year, I decided, why not write him a letter and see what come from it. He wrote back and we started writing weekly for the last five months of his mission. I fell for Sam pretty much immediately, so after about a month and a half of writing him he asked me to wait for him and I agreed enthusiastically. It was pretty much history from there. I was very anxious for him to come home and see how things would work out. He came home on his birthday and six days later June twelfth, he proposed. However, it was only 5 days when he said he wanted to marry me. I was a little shocked at how fast it has happening, but the day after he proposed I said yes. And I'm so glad I did because life with Samuel is the best! We were married about two months later, August 3rd, 2012! And now we are expecting our first child, we are poor college students, but enjoying all the time we spend together and can't wait for the new addition our little family will have!