Monday, August 19, 2013

One Year

I'm writing this while my sweet little Burton is sleeping on my chest. I just couldn't help but contemplate this past year of marriage and my wonderful husband. August 3rd was our anniversary, I can't believe it's been a whole year! We have grown so much and I love him even more than that day we said yes to forever! 

Samuel works so hard for our family. The past few weeks he has been working full time, with 10 hour days. And now he starts school too, working a few less hours, but still just as busy. I just want him to know Burton and I are so grateful for his sacrifices and being so tired every day. 

We always say how hard stay a home moms have it. And we do work hard, we give up lots of sleep and I mean lots. We stress out with crying babies and not being able to get things done, but sometimes I think we forget to mention that our husbands work just as hard! 
I'm so grateful my life ended up with him in it! I love you Sam!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hubby + Frosties = Happy Melissa

Yesterday was a stressful day in the life of mommyhood. I think Burton has colic so, he was not happy! Sunday night he upset and slept awful. I was really stressed and tired. But I'm grateful for my wonderful husband!

He came home and we went to Walmart to get stuff for Burton's stomach. (Plus the car puts this little guy to sleep.) Sam put on Disney music and made me sing with him in the car. We also stopped and got Frosties on the way home! And by the time we got home I was cured! 

Love this man!

Also Good news: Burton is having a better day today :)

Friday, August 9, 2013

I can't believe I'm a mama!

Well as you all  know from the billions of pictures I post on Facebook, I'm a Mom! 

Which the concept is a little weird to comprehend that we have a child! We love Burton so much though. I'll admit I'm a lot more tired then I use to be, but I'm getting more adjusted to lack of sleep. He doesn't like to sleep in his bed so most of the nights he sleeps cuddled by me on the futon so Sam can get sleep since he is working full time right now. I enjoy his cuddles, smiles, and cute little faces. I'm learning to do lots of things one handed. And I'm so grateful for a wonderful Mother and Mother in-law who help us out with him! 

It's crazy that on Sunday this little guy will be 3 weeks old and he is already growing so much!
Moral of the story I love being a Mom and I love my little Burton!