First of all, I have never been east before and I have to say it was so beautiful!
We stopped by Lake Erie and Wow the great lakes are beautiful it looks like an ocean because you can't see the other side!
Burton loved the sand.
But the water was scary to him lol
Adam and Burton were best friends when meeting each other for the first time :)
We went to see the Kirkland temple, which was the first temple built by the LDS church.
Sam and Burton enjoying so much needed playtime.
Graves of early saints.
Burton was scared of the elevator at first, but loved it by the end of the trip
The Johnson Farm.
We went and saw historic Kirland. This where the book of Mormon was first printed.
This is in Pensilvania, and still lake Erie. We stopped for lunch.
We made it to the smith farm, in Palmyra, NY. This was the Smiths home.
The later moved into this home, which was built by there older son Alvan.
This is called Alvan tree, they believe it was planted after Alvan died as a memorial to him.
Then we made it to the scared grove which is behind the smith farm. This is where Joseph saw God and Jesus Christ.
Burton liked the scared grove.
It was so beatiful
Alot of the places we saw were cool to see just because it's my religious history, but the Sacred Grove was the only place that I felt the spirit so strong. We cried and enjoyed the feeling of Gods love. This truely was and is a very scared place. I felt feelings so strongly that whitnessed to me that, Joseph Smith did see God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ appear to him and that God restored his gospel to the earth through Joseph. If you want to know more about that I believe click here
The hill Kamora, where Joseph was sent to get the gold plates which would be translated into the Book of Mormon.
Palmyra temple.
The printing pressed that printed the book of mormon!
We also spent a day at Ceder Point which was by far the best amusment park I have even been to!
Ingore my crazy hair, I went on lots of roller costers!!
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